. Cases of human metapneumovirus (hMPV), a common respiratory infection, are surging in China and it’s making headlines in a post-COVID-19 world.
. 5 dead, 1,100+ buildings destroyed in California wildfires
. Travellers landing at Vancouver International Airport from Los Angeles on Wednesday said the landscape they left looked like Armageddon
. 광 우 스님의 재미 있고 알기쉬운 법문
. 리에게 감동을 주는 작품을 소개 합니다
. 암실에서 식물 키우기30일간의 실험이 종료되었습니다.
I hear the spring humming buds singing beneath the earth. I hear the roots’ busy footsteps and whispering conspiracies to march the March field. Mother Nature spreads her arms and wraps the icy earth in love. Don’t sigh the winter blue, dear! Trees stand naked, but none complain of snowy storms. Their barefoot wears dry leaves, and walks miles away, to march the green chorus Over the lake, the stars are warm and beautiful, and the night falls calm and peaceful, Don’t sigh the winter blue, dear! I hear the spring humming buds singing under the soft cotton blanket. I hear the wind spread rumors that spring has already left. Hey, world, cheers! <저작권자(c) Budongsancanada.com 부동산캐나다 한인뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지 >
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