SNL Techlink SNL Techlink
Biz Logo
주 소 120 Norfinch Dr., Unit 6-7 North York Toronto, ON M3N 1X3 CA
전 화416-665-6030
전 화 2416-665-6050
수정일: 2021-05-07,  등록일: 2021-05-07
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소 개

SNL Techlink is a North American multi-trade company based out of Toronto, Ontario.
Since 2006, SNL Techlink has focused its resources and efforts on telecommunication field installation, repair and maintenance in Canada and USA.
Our team is highly experienced with commercial and telecom customers, having installed and maintained hundreds of communications networks over the past year.
We have diverse services and can truly offer one stop shopping. There is no job too small or too big and can provide complete turnkey system.

• Originally established in year 2000
• Field services in Canada & USA
• TSSA Technical Standards & Safety Athority
• ESA Electrical Safety Authority


