치킨인더키친 Chicken in the Kitchen Chicken in the Kitchen
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주 소 5600 Yonge St, North York Toronto, ON M2N 5S2 CA
전 화416-224-5509
수정일: 2019-04-19,  등록일: 2019-04-19
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In a country where more than 30, 000 fried chicken shops reside, Chicken in the Kitchen was the only fried chicken restaurant received an award by Food X File, the most famous and credible food TV show in Korea.


We are the first international location outside of Korea, bringing the Never-before-seen Cheese Volcano Chicken to Toronto. We are best-known for fresh and marinated meat. We only use the freshest local chicken. Never use frozen and overnight meat. All meats are marinated with 20 secret ingredients over 16 hours every day. 

Now it’s your time to enjoy an authentic chimaek (Beer& chicken) experience in the best place in Toronto!



