와인소주 - Kim's Winery WINE SOJU
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주 소 852 Magnetic Dr. Toronto, ON M3J 2C4 CA
전 화647-688-2643
전 화 2416-650-1028
수정일: 2018-09-06,  등록일: 2012-05-07
업소록 수정요청

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Wine Soju Logo!!!
Welcome to Wine Soju Website!!!



소주처럼 시원하게. “사케”처럼 따뜻하게
술한잔 생각날땐 안주없이 와인을 소주처럼.
캐나다에서 생산되는 와인소주로, 화이트와인이 90% 이상 함유



와인을 소주처럼 마셔라  .

We are so glad that WINESOJU's new website has been launched for better service for customers. Now, you can keep your order histories and delivery address in your personal account. Furthermore, you can check out the order status for your order.

We don't serve minors. According to the regulation for alcoholic beverages in Ontario, we check the ID upon delivery.


We are so glad that WINESOJU's new website has been launched for better service for customers. Now, you can keep your order histories and delivery address in your personal account. Furthermore, you can check out the order status for your order.

We don't serve minors. According to the regulation for alcoholic beverages in Ontario, we check the ID upon delivery.


와인소주. GTA 지역 배달합니다.



캐나다에서 생산되는 와인소주로, 화이트와인이 90% 이상 함유

와인을 소주처럼 마셔라
