Green Oil Inc Green Oil Inc
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주 소 4490 Chesswood Dr Unit #9-10, Toronto, ON M3J 2B9 CA
담당자Green Oil
전 화416- 633- 8846
전 화 2416-638-5145
수정일: 2017-08-22,  등록일: 2017-08-04
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The World's Best Recycling Oil Company 

Green Oil Inc. (GOI) was founded in March 2010, and is currently improving the environment by providing consumer with recycling needs of used cooking oil from restaurants in GTA, and Moreover Ontario.

GOI services restaurants, cafeterias and any organization that yields used cooking oil, and currently has approximately 3,500 customers in the GTA including some independent franchises, single and multiple owned, small and large restaurants. 

GOI pays and collects used cooking oil from restaurants and resells this product to recyclers to be processed as bio-diesel products, and sell used cooking oil as ingredients for animal nutrition and a feedstock to bio-diesel producing companies to generate renewable energy.





Green Oil Inc. is fully licenced by the MOE (Ministry of the Environment) for both ‘Waste Management Systems’ and ‘non-hazardous waste hauler (grease trap collection)’ with M.O.E.# 3079-8WDLB2

"M.O.E.# 3079-8WDLB2"

We provide our customers with suitable storages, 55 gallon (approx. 200L) Drums, 110 gallon (approx.400L) bins, 158 gallon (approx. 600L) bins



We provide our customers with suitable storages, 55 gallon (approx. 200L) Drums, 110 gallon (approx.400L) bins, 158 gallon (approx. 600L) bins, or 211 gallon (approx. 800L) steel bins., which can be placed either inside or outside of the restaurant depending on client's needs and the availability of the space. Once the container has been filled with used oil, we offer regular or call-for-pick-up services to all of our Clients.

Used Cooking Oil Collection

Feel free to call us at 1-877-505-8810 (Toll-free) | 416-633-8846 (Toronto Area) to arrange your pick-up service for any amount of your used cooking oil. To view our sample agreement form, please click here. We pick up used cooking oil from restaurants, commercial kitchens and the City of Toronto household hazardous drop-off depots.


For Restaurant Owner

Free storage depending on the availability of space in or outside of your kitchen and the quantity of used cooking oil you generate. Choose from 4 gallon (approx. 16L) pail, 55 gallon (approx. 200L) steel drum, 110 gallon(approx.400L)steel bin, 158 gallon (approx. 600L) steel bin, and 211 gallon (approx. 800L) steel bin, and 264 gallon (approx. 1000L).
