jams gadens 516 red ribon

Hyungwon Kang


Snow falls over 516 red ribbons on Rose of Sharon trees

(Korean National Flower) in honor of 516 Canadian

troops who lost their lives in the Korean War (1950-1953),

on Remembrance Day at the Rose of Sharon Garden

in James Gardens in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


Photo by Hyungwon Kang.








June Choi.


Thanks to Hyungwon

who captured beautiful photos of snow covered red ribbons

at the Rose of Sharon Garden at James Gardens in Etobicoke.

We both attended Remembrance Day Commeration event

at Canadian Korean Memorial Wall at Brampton, Ontario.

Prioty to today's event, Rose of Sharon Association

(무궁화사랑모임) have had ribbon tieing ceremony on Nov 9,

two days ahead of Nov. 11th. I am grateful to Mr. Yim,

임 정남 who looks after the gardens and the ROSA organization

year after year.




이미지: 사람 1명 이상, 꽃, 실외, 자연.