Is the rumor of Kim Jong-un's critical condition true?

북한 서부지구 항공사단 예하 추격습격기 연대를 시찰하던 김정은 국무위원장이 왼손에 담배를 든 채 군 간부들과 얘기하고 있다. 김정은 왼편으로 박정천 인민군 총참모장이 보인다. 조선중앙TV가 지난 12일 보도한 화면이다. 이 보도를 마지막으로 김정은은 공개 석상에서 모습을 드러내지 않고 있다./조선중앙TV·뉴시스..


CNN reported that Kim Jong-un is in critical condition.

北 매체는 media reported on the 12th that Kim Jong-un


inspected an aviation unit.

U.S. CNN quoted a U.S. official as saying on the 20th

(local time) that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is

the head of state.
It is in serious danger, it reported. In the U.S.,

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un performed surgery.
It is heard that the company has secured information

that it is in critical condition.

The Daily NK also reported on the 12th that Kim Jong-il

was involved in the Kim family in the Myohyangsan

district of North Pyongan Province.
He was treated at a local clinic, a private hospital, for

cardiovascular procedures, staying at a nearby villa,

for treatment.
It is there," he said, citing a local source.

The procedure was conducted by a surgeon in charge

of Kim Man-yu Hospital in Pyongyang, and not only by

Kim Man-yu Hospital.
No. 1 doctors at the North Korean Red Cross General

Hospital and Pyongyang Medical University Hospital

also joined the incident.
All were called to the Hyangsan clinic in Pyongyang,

according to the Daily NK.

Chairman of the state affairs commission Kim was absent

from the ceremony for the birthday of North Korean founder

Kim Il-sung on the 15th, causing health problems.
Suspicions have been raised that there may be. CNN is the

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States.
He said he is covering the security guarantee meeting, the

State Department and South Korea.

Meanwhile, on the 12th alone, Chairman Kim made the

Western District Air and Anti-Air Warfare Division's Pursuit

Strike Force.
As the North's Korean Central Television reported on

Wednesday that the inspection was conducted, the surgery

is believed to be after that point.
A political source said, "If Kim Jong-un's ideal is true, what

has happened in just nine days?
It needs to be grasped," he said.


