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주 소 7 Kenhar Dr. Toronto, ON M9L 1M9 CA
팩 스416-766-8309
전 화416-767-7604
전 화 21-877 303-7432
수정일: 2012-03-18,  등록일: 2002-09-20
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한국인이 운영하는 캐나다 식품제조업체 . 평화식품
It was 1975 when my father, the founder of PH Food, immigrated to Canada, and introduced his very first product, tofu to the Canadian-Asian market. With its immediate success and fast-growing demands, he started “Pyung Hwa Food” (meaning ‘peaceful food’), which eventually became PH Food. Within a short period of time, the popularity of Pyung Hwa brand of tofu created demands for other authentic and healthy recipes, such as dumplings, rice cakes, noodles, and other traditional Korean dishes.

Today, using my father’s authentic recipes, and using the latest food production technologies, I have managed to maintain the same taste and freshness that we have become known for with greater efficiency. With an explosion of healthy dietary trends in today’s culture, consumers are looking for alternatives to foods that offer healthy choices such as our products. The ingredients of our foods also come from Canadian farms, helping the local growers and farming industries in Canada.

With strong family ties and a proud heritage, PH Food’spartner growers share a commitment to the highest standards for our ingredients that is reflected in the quality of the PH Food’s products. Our headquarters is in Concord, Ontario – always fresh because it is locally grown by Canadian farmers.
The PH food Logo History
more consumers are opting for healthier lifestyles and are looking to food to help them achieve that goal. Our portfolio is well suited to the opportunity, given our Infant/Nutrition and weight management capabilities, in addition to our leading positions in tomato-based foods, beans, soups, and other inherently healthy products.

PH Food brings you the purest goodness of nature, meticulously prepared with natural ingredients. PH Food has been delivering high quality health food products for more than 35 years.  We use only the freshest of ingredients that are, - grown in local farms of Ontario. 
What We’re Made of

Our organic tofu and bean sprout products are certified organic (approved with COS standards), grown free from harmful pesticides and herbicides, with no preservatives, artificial colouring or flavours.  

Our authentic food products such as rice cakes, dumplings, noodles, and soybean paste preserve the tastiness of traditional recipes, perfect for special occasions or -healthy family dinners.   PH Food brings the consumers healthy foods of highest quality.

Taste our timeless tradition with the highest commitment to your health, nutrition and well-being. Our products are sold throughout the Canada and the U.S. in selected local supermarkets and As
